p. 88
Debt or debts by them so formerly paid and Satisfyed as
aforesd Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforsd by and
with the Advice and Consent aforesaid That for the future no
Bill Bond or other Obligation under the hand & Seale of any
person or persons whatsoever that hath been or shall att any
time hereafter be taken of any the Inhabitants of this Province
aforesaid that shall not be renewed within five years from the
publication hereof or within five years from the takeing of such
obligation as afd and so for every five years successively be
sueable or Impleadable in any Court within this Province,
Debts due to their sacred Matys their heires and Successors,
Bonds formerly given or hereafter to be given into any office
within this Province or debts due to any persons under age
non Sane memorie an beyond the Seas and not returning
within five years as aforesaid (onely Excepted) Provided
That this Act nor any thing therein Conteined be Construed
or taken to give any Advantage or benefitt to persons fly-
ing out of this Province and not returning within the time
aforesaid anything in this present Act Conteined to the'
Contrary in any wise Notwithstanding.