The Comittee adjourns to the House.
Att a Sessions of Assembly held att Annapolis the 8th day
of May in the Seventh Year of the reigne of our Sovereigne
Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of
England Scottland ffrance and Ireland King and Queen
Defenders of the faith &c. Anoq Dni 1695 Were Enacted
These following Laws
An Act for setling Ann Arundell County Court att the
Porte of Annapolis within the same County.
Forasmuch as there is not any good Court house built and
fitted for the County of Ann Arundell, And That the Pro-
vinciall Court is now by Law Established to be held and kept
forever hereafter att the Porte of Annapolis on the River of
Seavern within the same County where there is and must of
necessity be a Court house for the publick Service of this
Province built which may be Sufficient for holding the County
Courts in also and thereby the County saved the Charge of
building a County Court house and the said Porte of An-
napolis propagated and encreased Be it therefore Enacted by
the King and Queen's most Excellent Maties by and with the
Advice and Consent of this present Genll Assembly and the