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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 198   View pdf image (33K)
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198 Assembly Proceedings, May 8-22, 1695.


Capt Thomas Ems by assignment from Philip Lyons for the
same 5000l of fifteen pounds Sterling ordered the last
conuention to bee drawn out of the publick Stocke 1. 5000
1 tob:
The Comittee adjourns till to morrow morning at 9 of the

Thursday May 16th 1695.
The Comittee mett again. Present

Capt William Whittington Chairman
Mr Robert Mason
Mr Thomas Smith Mr Thomas Greenfield.

1000. To Mr John ffreeman for translating his Excel-
lency's Commission by Order of the House 1000 l tobaccoe.
To Mr William Bladen for fair Copy of the Laws sent for
England, 2 Journalls, 2 Copyes of the Court house act, and
3800: Inspecting the Records upon the Removall allowed p
order of the House 3800 l tobaccoe.
300. To Garrett Vanswearingen by order of the House
for the vse of the Councill Roome 800 lb tob:
480. Mr James ffrisby his accompt Examined and allowed
as follows (to wit) July the 23d 1694 to the hire of two men
to the 8th of Aug' being 16 days at 15 1 tobo: p Day each
480 l tobo:
240: To boate hire for the same time. 240 l tobo:
165: To the hire of one man more to the 3d of August
being eleven dayes at 15 ltob: p Day. 165 1 tobaccoe.
300. To prouision & Liquors up & Down. 300
435. September the 20th to the hire of one man to the 25th
of October being 29 days at 15 1 tobaccoe p Day. 435
l tobaccoe.
400. To Provision & Liquors down Supe 400 l tobaccoe.
in all 2455 1 tobo:
James Cullen his account Regulated & allowed as follows
(to witt) 2618. To Seuerall of the Burgesses expenses after
adjourned. 2618 1 tobo:
The article of 262 l tobo: for the grand jurors expenses p
Davis his noate Referred to Dauis. being allowed in
Browns accompt.

p. 22

Mr John Pollard his expenses referred to himselfe hee
having an allowance by Act of Assembly as a Justice of the
Provinciall Court. To his attendance Seven dayes as a Count
Examining the Records of the Commissaries, writing and
transcribing fair Copies of the Lysts of all the Records in the

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 198   View pdf image (33K)
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