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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 197   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 8-22, 1695. l97

The Comittee adjourns till to morrow morning at 9 of the

Wednesday May the 15th 1695.

The Comittee mett again. Present
Capt William Whittington, Chairman

Mr Robert Mason Mr George Lingham
Mr Thomas Smith Mr Ffrancis Watkins

James Browne his accompt Examined and allowed as follows
(to witt) To the Expenses of the HonobLe Councill after all
publick accompts made upe the last assembly to the 22d day of
October 1694. 516 lb Tobaccoe.

1 tobaccoe To the Expenses of Ann Arundell County Bur-
321. gesses to the 20th October 1694. 321 1 tobaccoe.
650. To the Expenses of Calvert County Burgesses to the
21st of Oct 1691. 650 lb Tobaccoe.
218. To the Expenses of Charles County Burgesses to the
19 of Octo: 1694. 218 lb Tobaccoe.
219. To the Expenses of Kent County Burgesses to the
20th of Octo: 1694. 291 lb Tobaccoe.
293. To the Expenses of Caroline County Burgesses to the
21 oct 1694. 393 lbs Tobacoe.
37. To Jno Spratts Expenses. 37 lbs Tobaccoe.
2500. To the Expenses of the Grand Jury in Novemr
Court 1694, as by the fforemans Receipt. 2500 lb Tobaccoe.
78. To the Expenses of George Plater Esquire in Exam-
ining the Provinciall Records. 78 lb Tobaccoe.
1120. To 14 Hides to secure the Records from bad
weather in the conveying of the same from St Mary's to Ann
Arundell Town at 80 lbs To: p hide. 1120 lbs Tobo:
30. To a pottle of flipe to the men. 30 l tobo:


50. To one days assistance in Examining the Provinciall
Records, 50 l tobo:
200. To Carting the Foundreyes & Powder from St Maryes
to Patuxent 200 lbs:
Mr Henry Lowes accompt Referred to himselfe to pay for
his attendance as a Justice of the provinciall Court from the
6th of Novemb: last untill the 11th Sc Novemb: hee having an
allowance by Act of Assembly as a justice of the Provinciall
12000. James Harper his accompt Regulated and allowed
12000 1 Tobo.
The Article of 640 l tobo: Referred to a further proofe.
And for the Horse Referred to the Consideration of the

p. 21

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 197   View pdf image (33K)
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