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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 199   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 8-22, 1695. 199

sd office, as all soe of all the Bonds & and fiue dayes in veiwe-
ingf ouer the Records in the Secretaries office & allowed
800 lbs.
Mr John Watson his accompt examined and allowed for 12
days attendance in Novemb: Court 1694, as a Justice of the
Provinciall Court 1840, And two dayes Itenerant Charges.
1840 l tobaccoe.
The Comittee adjourned untill two of the Clock in the

Eodem die. The Comittee Mett again. Present as before.
The Comittee adjourns untill to Morrow Morning at ten of
the Clock.

Friday May the 17th 1695.
The Comittee Mett again. Present

Capt William Whittington, Chairman.
Mr Robert Mason
Mr Thos Greenfield Mr George Lingham J

To Stephen Blatchford for transcribing 4 Copys of the
Journall of the Councill to be sent for England, and Examin-
ing and drawing Copyes 3450 of the Provinciall Records in
the Secretaries & Commissaries office and other business &c.
allowed 3450 l tobaccoe.
1200. To Nicholas Crouch for transcribing two Copyes of
the Lawes to be sent for England, allowed by order of the
house, 1200 l tobaccoe.
600: Mr William Cooper allowed by order of the house,
for being Clerke at the laying of the publick levy 600
1 tobaccoe.
Assigned to Mr Joshua Doyne of St Maries County.

1 tobaccoe: To Honoblo Sr Thomas Lawrence Baronett, his
1200: Majestyes Secretary for Proclamation for a ffaste
day 480 l tobo: for Comission and dedinus Potestatem to try
James Welsh 720 l tobo: in all 1200 l tobacco.
Mr John Dorsey's Petition for a boate to Carry down
(present) the Burgesses of Ann Arundell County to St Maryes,
Septemr 1693. referred by the house to the Comittee, and by
the Comittee referred to the County, being levyed for their
vse Anno Domi: 1694, as by the Journall of the Comittee
The Comittee adjourned for an hour:

Eodem die. The Comittee mett again. Present as before.
The Comittee adjourns untill to Morrow Morning at nine
of the Clock


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 199   View pdf image (33K)
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