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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 196   View pdf image (33K)
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196 Assembly Proceedings, May 8-22, 1695.


Mr Richard Beards accompt for laying out and Surveying
the Town of Ann Arundel. Regulated and allowed in full of
the said accompt 1000ls Tobaccoe.
Daniell Canon his Petition read it being for three months
labour worke upon the Publick undertaking at Ann Arundell
Towne. referred untill Major Dorsey brings in his accompt
for the Comittee to enquire whether he hath charged for the
Same or not.
The Comittee adjourns for an hour.

Eodem die. The Comittee mett again. Present as

Is Tobaccoe Mr William Joseph his account for Cartage of
200 Severall of the Burgeses necessaries the last
Sessions of Assembly from St Mary's to Patuxent, examined
and allowed 200 ls Tobo:
His accompt for Storage of the Kings Powder being eleven
Barrells for the Countryes use, and transporting the Same
from Patuxent to Ann Arundell Towne the sd powder being
ordered for Ann arundell County and Kent County, hee is

referred to the said Countyes to be Satisfied and paid for the

same, there being eight barrells for Ann Arundell County,
and three Barrells for Kent County.

p. 20

Mr Garrett Vanswearingen his accompt for Expenses at the
Removing of the Records from St Mary's to Ann Arundell
County by the Atturneys Clerks and other Gentlm by his
Excellency the Governour Commanded to be there present,
examined and allowed 2310 ls Tobo:
Mr Garrett Vanswearingen's Accompt for Expenses by the
Persons ordered and appointed by the Comand of his Excel-
lency the Governour in Settling the Comissaryes office in
order to be sent away from St Mary's to Ann Arundell
Towne, Examined and allowed 4334 Is Tobo: Mrs Anne Duke-
worth her Accompt Regulated and allowed 3963 ls Tobaccoe
in full to this day.
The Article of 2000 ls Tobaccoe for a horse prest ct. wee
find that there was 1000 lb Tobaccoe allowed formerly for the
same therefore rejected.
The Comittee adjourns till to Morrow Morning at ten of the

Tuesday May the 14th 1695.

The Comittee mett again. Present
Capt William Whittington Chairman

Mr Thomas Smith
Mr Thomas Greenfield Mr ffrancis Watkins

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 196   View pdf image (33K)
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