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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 195   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 8-22, 1695. r95

Satturday May the 11th 1695.
The Comittee mett again. Present

Captain William Whittington Chairman
Mr Robert Mason Mr George Lingham
Mr Thomas Smith Mr Ffrancis Watkins
Mr Thos Greenfield

Mr Robert Mason sent to the Honoble Collo Nicholas Green-
berry to request him to come to the Comittee.
Mr Robert Mason returnes to the Comittee and the Honoble
Colonel Nicholas Greenberry with him.
The HonobLe Collo Nicholas Greenberry his accompt exam-
ined and Regulated, is allowed as follows for fourteen dayes
attendance at the Provinciall Court in October 1692 at 1800
Tobo: p Day: 25201b Tobo: six dayes Itinerant charges for
coming and goeing at 80 lb Tobo. p day 480 lb Tobo: May
2d 1693: 15 days attendance at the Provinciall Court at 180 lb
Tobo: p Day, 2700 lbs: Six days Itenerant Charges Come-
ing and goeing at 80 lb Tobo p Day 480 lb. Tobo. May the 2d
1694, To the Seale for the Renewment of the provinciall
Courts Comission 720 lb Tobo.


May the 7th to the Seale to a Proclamation to Settle Sr
Thomas Lawrence President, 420 lb Tobo
July the 14th 1694, to the Seale of a Comission for the tryall
of the Ancostian King on Suspition of Murther 720 lb Tobo:
To Tobacco paid John Larkins for Mr Vanderburge a Mes-
senger sent upon the Publick affairs, 224 lb Tobo:
To Tobaccoe paid for Ditto at Mr Henry Trumans at Battle
towne 642 lb Tobo: in all 886 po Tobo: The whole Accompt
amt to 8906 lb Tobaccoe.
Allowed to the sd Coll. Greenberry in October 1694 as by
Tobaccoe the Journall of the Comittee appears 5726 lb Tobo.
3180. soe that there remaines to the sd Collo Greenberry
3180 lbs. Tobo: and allowed in full of the said Accompt.
Mr Richard Beards accompt referred untill hee brings the
Platt of the Towne to the Comittee.
The Comittee adjourns untill Munday Morning at ten of
the Clock

Munday May the 13th 1695.

The Comittee mett again. Present

Capt William Whittington, Chairman.

Mr Robert Mason Mr George Lingham
Mr Thomas Smith Mr ffrancis Watkins
Mr Thos Greenfield

Mr Robert Mason Sent to the Honoble Collo Nicholas Green-
berry to request him to come to the comittee.

p. 19

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 195   View pdf image (33K)
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