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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 194   View pdf image (33K)
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194 Assembly Proceedings, May 8-22, 1695.


the Regulating and inspecting into the Publick accounts of
this province att a Generall Assembly held at Ann Arundell
Town in Ann Arundell County on the tenth day of May,
Anno Domini 1695, (to witt)

Mr Robert Mason

Mr Thomas Smith
Mr Thomas Greenfield

Mr George Lingham

Capt Wm Whittington
Mr Francis Watkins

In obedience thereunto the Comittee appointed mett at
the House of Mrs Rachell Prostor in Ann Arundell Town on
the said tenth day of May in the Year 1695.

And Capt Wm Whittington by the sd Committee was elected
and Chosen Chairman, who tooke his place accordingly; and
Cleborne Lomax was appointed their clerke, and ordered to
attend the said Comittee

Ordered, that the clerk of this comittee sett up noates to
give all Persons notice where the sd committee sitts, and to
bring in their accts (to witt) one at the court house where the
assembly Sitts, and another at Mrs Prostors
18 Ordered that Mr Robert Mason and Mr Thomas Smith goe
to Mr Henry Wriothesley and demand the Journall of the
Comittee of Accompts the last Assembly, as allsoe all the
Journalls of other Assemblys Inne the Revolution together
with all papers and accompts belonging or relating to any of
the publick accompts.

Mr Thomas Smith and Mr Thomas Mason returns to the
Comittee, and brings the Journalls and all other papers and
accounts Relating to the publick.

The Comittee adjourns for an hour.

Eodem die. The Comittee mett again and present as

The Comittee now proceeds to the Examining and Regu-
lating all publick accompts.

Col: Nicholas Greenberry his accompt referred untill he
comes to Town to morrow morning.

Ordered, that the Chairman with the Major part of the
members of this Comittee shall proceed upon business, not-
withstanding the absence of any other member of the same.

Is Tobaccoe

Mrs Rachell Prostor her accompt for the Bur-
gesses Expenses from the 26th day of ffebruary
1694, untill the first day of March in the year

to be p. by the
Severall Bur-
gesses as appears
in fo: 13.

afsd Examined and allowed 7269 lbs
The Comittee adjourns till to morrow
morning at Eight of the Clock.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 194   View pdf image (33K)
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