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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 191   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 8-22, 1695. 191

Wednesday May the 2 2d 1695.

The house mett and ordered to be called over, were absent
Mr Mason, Mr Clarke, Mr Frisby, Mr Hawkins, Mr Tasker, Mr
Hutchins, Major Smalwood, Major Coursey, Majr Whitting-
ton, Mr Pollard, Mr Hooper, Mr Ennalls, Mr Hicks, Colonel
Peirce and Colonel Codd.
Mr Plater enters the house and presents Mr Speaker, with
an Acct of the Is p hhd ever since the Revolution to this tyme,
and saith that his Excy hath ordered the same to be employed
to purchase armes and amunition according to a certaine List
produced to the house and will also take care that what shall
accrue thereby hereafter shall be imployed in like manner,
and that his Excy desires a committee be appointed to State
and adjust the said Ace' and make Reporte to the Lords of


the Treasury what the said Revenue amounted to in Gov-
ernour Copleys tyme.
Major Hamond, Major Dorsey, Capt Hill and MrSaunders,
appointed to State the said account and make report thereof
to the Lords of the Treasury.
His Excy desireing the opinion of the house what order shall
be made which might most conduce to his Matys Service in
relation to the Sayling of the Shipping which shall be or Stay
in the Country after the fleet is gone.
It is the opinion of this House that it will be for their Matys
Service, that the Shipping which stay or come into this Prov-
ince after the present Sessions, shall be cleared as fast as
filled, as his Excy shall think fitt.
The following acts being read and assented to by this
house, was sent up to his Excy and their Matys honble Councill
by Major Smith, Mr Saunders and Mr Lowe.
An Additional act to the act of Religion.
An Act for Secureing admrs and Exrs from double paying of
Debts, and Lymitting the tyme for payment of obligations
within this province.
An Additionall act to the act for better Admracon of Justice
in the Court for probate of Wills &c:
An Act for Regulateing Ordinarys and lymitting the
number of them.
An Act restraining the frequent Assembling of negroes.
An Act for Laying an Imposition on Negroes and Servants
An Act for Raiseing a Supply for the defraying of the
publique charge of this province.
The House Adjourned for an hour.

p. 28

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 191   View pdf image (33K)
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