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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 190   View pdf image (33K)
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190 Assembly Proceedings, May 8-22, 1695.


kins, Mr Hutchison, Colonel Coursey, Majr Whittington, Mr
John Pollard, Colo Peirce and Colo Codd.
An Act for assessing 3d p hhd for this present year, read
the first tyme.
An Additionall Act to the Act for regulateing the Militia,
read the third tyme.
An Explanatory Act to the Act of Repeal of all Lawes &c:
read the 2d tyme.
Resolved by the house that the Revenue ariseing by the
act for Imposition of 3d p hhd for Service of this province,

p. 27

being to be lodged in Mr Taskers hands is to be disposed of
by his Excy the Governor and Councill tor their Matys Service,
whereof an Ace' is to be rendered to the next sitting of
Mr Lowe and Mr Boothby sent to his Excy and their Matys
honble Councill with the above resolve and the three last men-
tioned Bills.
An Act for reviveing the Temporary Laws of this province,
read the third time and passed for Engrossing.
The House Adjournes till 7 a Clock to Morrow Morning.

Tuesday May the 21st 1695.

The house mett and Ordered to be called over, these fol-
lowing members were absent vizt Capt Bayne, Capt Hill, Mr
Greenfield, Mr Hawkins, Colonel Coursey, Capt Whittington,
Mr Dickson, Mr Pollard, Mr Ennalls, and Colo Codd.
Then was ordered to be read over what was done yes-

An Act for the Division and regulation of the Severall
Countys within this province, and Constituteing a new one
by the name of Prince Georges County, read the first tyme.
Capt Dent sent to his Excy the Governor and the honble their
Maj'ys Councill with the following Bills viz:
A Bill for assessing the publique Levy, and A Bill for
Dividing the Severall Countys.
An Additionall act to the act for ports and Townes, read
the Is' tyme.
Recomended to this house by his Excy that the publique
Revenue may be stated before the breaking up of this
An Additionall act to the acts for Ports and Townes, read
the second time.
An Additionall act for the better Regulateing the Militia
read the third tyme.
The house Adjournes till 7 a Clock to morrow morning.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 190   View pdf image (33K)
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