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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 192   View pdf image (33K)
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192 Assembly Proceedings, May 8-22, 1695.


Post Meridiem.

The house again mett and Mr Speaker, signifying to them
that his Excy recomended the gratifying the honble Wm Blath-
way Esq. and John Povey Esqr and to that end offered to
advance 200ls Sterl. upon the publique faith.
Ordered the following message be sent to his Excy the
Governor and the Honble their Matys Councill.

To his Excy the Governor and Councill.
By the house of Burgesses May the 22d 1695.

This house having well considered of your Excys proposall
touching the gratifying the honble Esq. Blathway, and Mr
Povey do returne your Excy our hearty thanks for your gen-
erous offer, but find our Selves altogether incapable at this
tyme to gratifye the aforesaid Gentlemen being at prsent will-
ing to gratifye all such obligations as this province now Lyes
Signed p order

W Bladen Clk Assembly.

p. 29

Sent by Major Whittington and Major Hammond, with the
following Acts assented to by the house.
An Act for the naturallization of Matt Freeman and others.
An Act for the Settleing Ann Arundell County Court
An Act ascertaining the fees for naturallizations.
An Act for assessing 3d p hhd on Tobacco towards defray-
ing the publique charge of this province.
An Additionall Act to the Act for Ports.
An Act for the Division and Regulateing Severall Countys
within this province and Constituteing a County by the name
of Prince Georges County.
An Act for laying the publique Levy.
An Explanatory Act to the Act of Repeale of all Laws
heretofore made within this province, and Confirming all
Laws made this Generall Assembly.
An Act Reviveing the Temporary Laws of this Province,

Message from his Excy the Governor and Council by the
honble: Thomas Tench and Thomas Brook Esqrs that his Excy
desires the house to attend him in Councill.
Whereupon the house Adjourned for an hour, and Went up
to attend his Excy at the Councill Board where they saw the
following Laws assented to by his Excy and the honble their
Matys Council. And also saw them Signed by his Excy

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 192   View pdf image (33K)
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