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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 189   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 8-22, 1695. 189

Munday May the 20th 1695.

The house mett, and ordered to be called over, and were
absent Capt Bayne, Mr Hill, Mr Hawkins, Mr Dent, Coll0
Coursey Major Whittington Mr Scarborough Mr Pollard and
Col. Codd.
Then Mr Cheseldyn and the rest of the members appointed
for dividing the Countys, Reported that they had with his
Excellcys approbacon made Division thereof, and Signified the


same to the Committee of Laws to prepare the Bill accord-
Then was Ordered to be read over what was done
Recomended from his Excy that an additional Duty of 3d p
hhd be laid on Tobacco for raiseing a further supply for the
Support of this Province.
Voted if a further Imposition of 3d p hhd shall be layd upon
tobacco, exported for one year: Carryed in the affirmative.
Ordered that the Committee of Laws prepare a Bill
Mr John Perry appears in the house and being asked what
he demanded for officiateing as Post Mar eight tymes p Anr
betwixt Potomack River and Philadelphia, he offers to under-
take the same for 50ls Sterl: p ann:
Then the house proceeded to agree with Colonel Casparus
A: Herman for building the new Court house as followeth.
That he shall build the same as it was first proposed with
these alteracons onely, that whereas it was to be shingled
upon planke. It shall be shingled upon Laths, and whereas
the foundation was to be made of brick, it shall be of Stone
up to the Water Tables, for which he shall have 200000ls of
Tobacco and 250ls Sterling, to wit: 100000ls of Tobacco this
Levy, and 1000000ls of Tobac the next year, 100ls Sterl: this
year and 100ls Sterl: the next year upon finishing thereof.
To all which the said Colo Herman agreed and undertook
to do the same.
Ordered That Major Hamond, Major Ridgely, and Capt
Hill be appointed to oversee that the said worke be well
Resolved that Mr John Perry be allowed 50ls Sterl. p Ann
upon Condition he shall discharge all publique Messages and
pacquetts as his Excy shall direct, and also discharge this prov-
ince from any expence whatever by reason of any messengers
to be employed for the countrys Service.
The house Adjournes till two of the Clock this afternoone.

Post Meridiem. The house again mett, and ordered to be
called over, were absent Capt Bayne, Mr Saunders, Mr Haw-

p. 26

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 189   View pdf image (33K)
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