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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 188   View pdf image (33K)
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188 Assembly Proceedings, May 8-22, 1695.


would appoint some body to go along therewith and se the
same disposed of.
Resolved by the house that Mr Thomas Tasker is thereunto
That the house address his Maty, that the Qr parte of pub-
lique Revenue may be appropriated to the necessary charges
of this Governmt
Resolved that such Address be prepared.
That the house will again consider about the Division of
St Maryes Charles and Calvert Countyes.
Voted if S Mary's, Charles and Calvert Countys shall be
divided, or not. Carryed by Majority of Voices, they shall be
The petition of St Marys City, read and granted.
Mr Chesseldyn, Mr Clarke, Mr Lingham, Mr Greenfield,
Capt Dent and Mr Hutchison appointed to make division of
the said Countys and to take his Excys Directions therein.
Recomended from his Excy that a publique post be
employed betwixt potomack and Philadelphia for the Dis-
patch of Publique as well as also of Private pacquetts and
Whereupon ordered Mr John Perry attend the house next
Munday Morning.
An Act for laying the publicque Levy, read the first tyme.
An Act for reviveing the Temporary Laws of this province
read the first tyme.
An Act for Naturallization fees, read the second tyme.
An Act for the Naturallization of Matts Freeman and others,
read the 2d tyme.
Upon Mocon of Kenelm Cheseldyn Esqr
Ordered by the house that the Records of the Comissary
Genlls office be lodged above Stairs in that End of the Court
house at Ann Arundell County Towne which is over the Seat
of Judicature.
An Act for Settling Ann Arundell County Court house,
read the 2d tyme.
An additionall Act to the Act of Religion, read the third
An Act for raiseing a supply towards the defraying of the
publique Charge of this province, read the third tyme.
An Act for the naturallization Matt. Freeman and others
read the 3d tyme
An Act for secureing Exors and Amrs from double payment
of Debts. Read the third tyme.
An Act ascertaining the naturallization fees, read the third
tyme, and The house Adjourned till Munday Morning at 6
a Clock.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 188   View pdf image (33K)
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