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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 187   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 8-22, 1695. 187

Country Treasury. He is to be allowed eight pounds p cent.
And the said Sume is to be Called for by his Excy of the said
Mr Tasker and applyd to their Matys Service in such manner
as to his Excy in his Wisdom shall seem fitt.
Signed p Order
W: Bladen Clk: Assembly

Sent by Major Whittington and Major Hammond.
The house adjournes for an hour, and goe upon a Confer-
ence with his Excy the Governor and Councill, Where his Excy
recommends Severall things to their Consideracon, and
delivers unto Mr Speaker Severall Bills sent by the house to
that Board, and also certain proposalls of which he desires
they will consider.
Thereupon Mr Speaker and the rest of the members repaire
to the house where being called.
Ordered that the Clarke read the following proposalls from
his Excy the Governor and Councill Viz.
That there be a Clause added in the Act for Settling Ann
Arundell County Court, nominating Ann Arundell Towne by

the name of Annapolis, and that the Parish church be therein

built and the County records removed thither.
Resolved by the house such clause shall be incerted.
And the Bill with the amendments is read the second tyme.
That a Clause be added in the additionall Act for the better
admracon of Justice for probate of Wills and granting
admrcons that when any deceased Estates are appraised two
of the principall Credrs or two of the next of kindred may be
present, and upon their refusall two other honest persons.
Resolved the Same be incerted, And the Bill with the
amendmts is read the 2d tyme.
That in the additionall act to the Act of Religion a Clause
be inserted, that the Vestrymen, church Wardens and Clarkes
take the Oaths appointed by Act of Parliament, and Subscribe
the test. And that particular Oaths be framed for them to
take for performance of their Dutys.
Resolved such Clause be incerted.
And the Bill with amendments proposed, was read the
second tyme. And in the Act for regulateing Ordinary
Keepers &: It be incerted that they shall not creditt any single
freeman not being a freeholder, or any Seaman for above 400ls
of Tobacco, or 20s Sterl:
Ordered such clause be incerted.
The afd Bill with amendmt proposed is read over the third


That if money should be sent to New Yorke the house

p. 25

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 187   View pdf image (33K)
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