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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 186   View pdf image (33K)
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186 Assembly Proceedings, May 8-22, 1695.


Religion passed at his owne proper cost and charges. The
house sent him the follg message.

By the House of Burgesses May the 18th 1695.

This house do returne your Excy their most humble and
hearty acknowledgements for your Excys most kind and gen-
erous offer as to defraying the charge of passing our Acts of
We are deeply Sensible not onely of your generous offers,
but truly noble acts, and must here acknowledge our Selves
with our posterity most infinitely obliged to your Excy for the
Signed p Order

W Bladen clk: Assembly.

Sent upon this Message, Mr Clarke, Major Ennalls, Col:
Hinson, Col: Pierce, Mr Tasker and Mr Lowe.
Also sent to their Honble their Matys Councill the follow-
ing Bills, Viz:
An Act for Regulateing Ordinarys and Lymitting the
number of them.
An Act imposeing a Duty upon Negroes and Servants
An Act for the raiseing a further Supply for the Support of
this province.
The house thinke fitt to acquaint his Excy what they have
resolved in Relation to New Yorke and thereupon send the
following Message.

To his Excy the Governor in Councill.
By the house of Burgesses May the 18th 1695.

As to the affair relateing to the assistance of New Yorke,
We humbly represent to your Excy that we have seriously con-
sidered the Same, and entered these minutes upon our Jour-
nall, Viz:
Resolved that assistance of men shall be given when need
shall require &c: according to our former Message; And

because that the country is now destitute of money to pay the

Soldiers now in arms for the Defence of this province. Mr
Thomas Tasker one of the members of this house offers to

p. 24

lend for the Service of the Country one or two hundred
pounds Sterling as need shall require, for the loan whereof
untill he shall be enabled to reimburse himself out of the

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 186   View pdf image (33K)
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