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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 185   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 8-22, 1695. 185

These four last menconed Bills sent to their Matys honble
Councill by Cap'Whittington and Major Hammond.
Mr Speaker moves the house that his Excy recommends to
them the Settling of publique Ferry's. Referred to the next
Upon Reading the Committee of Agreivances Reporte
relateing to Shoemakers and Tanners the same is Referred to
the next Assembly.
Major John Thompson recomended by the house to receive
the Impost upon Liquors at the head of the Bay.
The petition of the people called Quakers, being recd from
his Excy and the honble his Matys Councill to this house
'Tis the opinion of the house, that as to the first part
thereof viz: dispensing with their corporeall Oaths, 'tis
expressly contrary to the known Laws of the Kingdom of
England and therefore not fitt to be dispensed with. And as
to the second part of the petition relateing to the 40ls p poll
this house will not make any distinction but continue them
under the same Circumstances with all other their Matys good
Subjects as to the payment thereof.
The house Adjournes till 6 of the clock in the Afternoone.

Post meridiem. The house being mett, ordered to be
called over, were absent Capt Bayne, Mr Hawkins, Mr Dent,
Mr Pollard and Colonel Codd.
Mr Boothby presents a Bill for raiseing a Tax upon all
offices within this Province.


Voted, if the Bill shall pass with amendments, or not, and

Carryed in the affirmative, and the same was read the first

An Additionall Act for regulateing the Militia read the first
An Act for regulateing Ordinarys and lymitting the number
of them, read the first time.
The house Adjournes till to morrow morning at 6 a Clock

p. 23

Saturday May the 18th 1695.

The house being mett Ordered to be called over, and were
absent these Members (vizt) Mr Saunders, Mr Greenfield, Mr
Hawkins, Mr Hutchison, Mr Watkins, Colonel Coursey, Mr
Pollard & Colo Codd.

Act for regulateing Ordinarys read the second time.

Act for Laying an Imposition on Negroes and Servants
imported, read the second tyme.

His Excy haveing generously offered to get our Acts of


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 185   View pdf image (33K)
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