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Wednesday May 22th 1695.
Councill again Sate and Were present as yesterday.
Brought from the house the following Message relating to
the Addiconall Act for Ports, Vizt
To his Exncy the Governr and Councill &ca
By the house of Burgesses May 22d 1695:
Upon Reading the Addiconall Act to the Act for Ports &
Towns, there being many things new and of great Moment to
this Province, and Many of the Members of this Assembly
being Absent as by the Journall appears. It is thereon
Resolved that a Matter of so great Moment as the Bill con-
taines is not fit to be compleated at this time but that the
same be Referred to the Next Sessions of Assembly. And in
the mean time that Copyes of the Bill be given to Mr Speaker,
Mr Cheseldyn, Mr Boothby Mr Clarke Majr Thompson & Capt
William Dent to Consider of the same and make Report
thereof to the next Sessions of Assembly. Wee have also
Received no new Bills be brought in, this Sessions.
Signed p Ordr
W Bladen Clk Assembly.
To which said Message the following answer was sent Vizt
By his Exncy the Governt & Councill &ca
May 22th 1695.
This Board has perused your houses Message touching the
Additionall Act proposed to the Act for ports and do agree to
the same, but withall that severall other matters be Recom-
mended to be taken notice of & inserted in the said Bill such
as this Board shall Offer.
This Board does Recomend that the Port of Oxford be laid
out pursuant to proposalls yesterday made to the house, not-
withstanding the present Suspension of the aboue mentioned
Bill or Act.
It is proposed to the house for their Mats Service and good
of the country what Order shall be made for those Ships sayling
which shall come in or stay in the Countrey after the ffleet is
Signed p Order H Denton Cl Concil.