The following Proposall sent to the house, Vizt
That if the Publick accounts Cannot be all adjusted now,
that the house appoint a Comittee for the same of some Mem-
bers liveing near this place.
Brought by Capt Tasker & Capt Dent the following Bills
fairly Engrossed, Vizt
An Act for setling Ann Arrundell County Court House at
Annapolis within the same County. Assented to according
to Engrossmt
An Act for securing of Admrs & Exrs from double paying
of Debts & limitting of the time for paymt of Obligations
within this Province Assented to as afd.
An Addiconall Act to the Act for the better Administracon
of Justice in Probat of Wills granting Administracon, recover-
ing of Legacies & securing of filiall portions, Assented to
as afd.
An Act for Regulating Ordinaries and limiting the Number
of them within this Province, Assented to as afd.
An Act restraining the ffrequent Assembling of Negro's
within this Province Assented to as aforesaid.
An Act for the laying an Imposition upon Negro's Slaves
& White Servants imported into this Province Assented to
as aforesaid.
An Additionall Act to the Act for Religion the former
Amendmts therein agreed to, being left out, proposed that the
Minister be Exempt from any ffyne; that the Booke be found
at the Parish Charge, that instead of saying the Oathes of
Allegiance and Abhorrency it be said the Oathes Appointed
by Act of Parliamt to be taken instead of the Oathes of Alle-
giance and Supremacy, And that a Clause therein be incerted
against Common Swearers and Drunkards.
Brought from the house by Mr Boothby & Mr Lowe the
following Bill, Vizt
An Addiconall Act to the Act for Ports, read and proposed
that no Accons be brought in the said Courts exceeding the
Sume of 100l Sterling or 20000l tob: And that no Appeal be
allowed vnder the sum of 50ls Sterl: and that therein it be
provided that my Lord Baltimores Officers be obliged to
Reside in the Ports of Annapolis and William Stadt as well as
the Collectors & Navall Officers.
The said Proposalls accordingly were delivered into the
of this Board.
Proposed also that the Bounds of the Port of Oxford that