The Comittee of Grievances goe out upon their Charge.
The house Adjournes for halfe an houre.
The house again mett & were present as before.
The Comittee of Grievances bring in their further Report
to the house which being grounded upon the petition & Com-
plainte of Coll Jowles the same being first read did run in
these following words Vizt
To the Honble the Lower house of Assembly.
The Humble petition of Coll Henry Jowles
That your petitioner in the month of Aprill last past was
sent for by an Ordr of Gouernor and Councill to make his
Imediate appearance before them, there to answer such
matters & things as should be Objected agt him, where to his
great Charge, Expence & trouble, he was forced to wayte &
attend ffive dayes before he could know what they had to
allegde agt him, at last being called to answer, they had
nothing to Object agt him but a lettr he had writ to the Honbie
Sr Thomas Laurence upon his being carryed to prison, a
Coppy whereof for your Honrs better Satisfaction is here
Enclosed; for wch Lettr (though there was nothing in it but
what Comon Civillity might Obleidge him or any man to write)
he was compelled imediatly to giue them Bond wth good secu-
rity of a Thousand pds Strll for his good behaviour or Else
goe to prison, This yr petr did pforme, & hoped then he might
be at quiett but about the 25th of August last past came another
Order of Gouernor & Councill to Capt John Bigger to Take
your petr into Custody & him to safe keepe till he finde good
security of a Nother Thousand pounds Strl for his good beha-
viour & to make his personall appeareance at the next provin-
ciall Court there to answer unto such things as should be
Objected agt him on behalfe of their Majties in generall Termes
wthout mentioning any particular Matter which ought to haue
been Incerted, This likewise your Petr was Compelled to
give, & did give rather then lye in prison, And last of all
since the death of the Gouernor upon the 14th day of Septem-
ber Capt Keech wth his Lieutenant came to your petrs house
and apprehended him by an Ordr from Coll Ninian Beale
which was in pursuance of an Ordr of Councill to Carry him to
his owne house & clap a safe Guard ouer him (without
Expressing one word or tittle for what.) upon which your petr
utterly refused to yeild any Obedience to it, and by that
meanes wth much Truble has made a Shift to preserve his
Liberty by keeping out of the way till he might haue the hap-
piness and ffreedom of Addressing himselfe to this honble house
p. 11