of Assembly, Thus has your pef been most unworthily &
Ungratefully requited for the Service he had done his Majtie
in the late Revolution which notwithstanding the King him-
selfe was graciously pleased soe farr to Accept off, as to make
yr petr one of his Honble Councill & to place him in the very
first Ranke of them, out of which also they haue most Mali-
ciously & Injuriously remoued him without any cause, and
contrary to the Great Charter of England, which hath provided
that noe ffreeman shall be destroyed or Condemned but by
Lawfull Judgmt of his peeres, and even then to be Amerced
or punished according to the quantity & Quality of his offence
as appeares by the 9th H: 3 C. 14: By all wch it is most
apparent, They haue contrived & to the utmost of their power
doe Endeavour the Utter Ruine & destruction of the petr &
his posterity.
Wherefore yr petr humbly prayes this honble house of
Assembly that they will please to take his case into their
serious & Judicious Consideracons to protect him from any
violence may be offered him whilest he is makeing this his
Just Complaint and that you will please to Ordr his accusers
(if any) to lay their Accusations open before your Hon" &
upon due Examinacon if it shall appeare that he has done
anything not Justifyable or unworthy that trust & confidence
his Majtie Reposed in him, that he may then suffer according
to his demeritts otherwise that he may be cleared & acquitted
of his Bonds afd. And be again restored to those places of
Trust & Honr their Majties were pleased to Conferr upon
him &
As in Duty bound he shall Ever pray &c.
Afterward was Ordered the ffollowing Lettr to be Read.
Honrd Sr