the Comittmt of Sr Thomas Laurence beareing date the Eighth
day of Aprill last is an illegall Comittmt And that the said
Sr Thomas Laurence ought to be discharged & sett at Large.
The house adjournes till to Morrow Morning Nine of the
Saturday September 23th 1693.
The house again mett & were called ouer & were Absent
these following Members Vizt Two Citty Delegates together
wth Mr Harris, Mr Ashman, Mr Smith, Mr ffinney Mr Robins,
Mr Tripp, Doctr Brookes, Mr Ennalls, Mr Pinder, and all
Caecill County Delegates, Then was read ouer what was
done Yesterday.
The house Resolve themselves into a Grand Comitte to goe
upon the Conference yesterday appointed and doe Ordr &
constitute Mr Kenelm Cheseldyne, Chaireman of the same
The said Comittee returne to the State house, where Mr
Speaker reasumeing the Chaire, Signified to the house that
the Councill had acquainted him wth their Receipt of a Lettr
from Sr Edmond Andros wch specifyed his haueing a Comis-
p. 10
sion for the Gouermn' in Case of Gouernor Copleys death and
therefore though the Conference need less & withall desired
the Speaker to make known [the same to the house]
Debated whether the Conference shall goe on or noe, &
Voted accordingly & carryed in the Affirmative.
Ordered that a Message be drawne up & sent to the said
End and purpose, which was done as follows, Vizt
By the house of Assembly September the 23th 1693:
Upon Mr Speakers makeing Report to the house of Sr
Edmund Andros's Comission to succeed in the Gouermnt in
Case of Gouernor Copleyes death the house are notwithstand-
ing desirous to goe on in the Conferrence this morning
appointed for Satisfaction of the legality of their power
according to the Kings Comission & was likewise so voted by
the house.
Signed p Ordr
Hen Denton Clk Assembly.
Mr Dent, Mr Whittington &
Mr Mitchell sent upon the said
They returne back & say that they delivered their said Mes-
sage, & that the Councill Acquainted them they would Enter-
taine the said Conferrence on Munday Morning by Eight of
the Clock.