Countrey is at present utterly destitute of Money to pay the
Soldiers now in for the defence of this Province. Mr
Thomas Tasker one of the members of this house Offers to
lend for the Service of this Countrey One or two hundred
pounds Sterl: as need shall require, for the loane whereby
vntill he shall be enabled to Reimburse himself out of the
Countrey Treasury he is to be allowed Eight pounds p Cent
And the said sufne is to be called for by his Exncy of the said
Mr Tasker & applyed their Mats Service, in such manner as to
his Exncy in his Wisdom shall seem fit.
Signed p Ordr W Bladen Clk Assembly.
Thursday May 9th 1695.
Councill again Mett & Sate and were present as Yesterday.
Came Mr Boothby & Majr Smallwood from the house of
Burgesses who Signifyed that the house had understood his
Exncies being dissatisfyed with the Proceedings of Clayborn
Lomax their prsent Clerk, therefor had by a vote of their
house made Choice of Mr William Bladen to Officiate in his
stead, and were sent to Request his Exncies approbation of the
said Choice, who accordingly was admitted and approved off,
and (being present in Councill) had administred vnto him the
Oathes appointed by act of parliamt to be taken instead of the
Oathes of Allegiance & Supremacy as also the usuall Oath of
Clerk of that house and Subscribed to the Test.
Ordered that Comission be prepared to pass the Broad
Seal Accordingly.
Brought from the house of Burgesses by Mr Tasker & Majr
Maxwell the following Message Vizt
By the Burgesses of Assembly May 9th 1695.
Whereas the sad report of the death of her sacred Maty
Queen Mary fell under the Consideracon of this house, it does
appear that his Exncy the Governr and many private persons
wthin this Province have Lettrs expressing & affirming the
same for truth, This house therefore to take of all Occasions,
Scandols or Reflections wch may be cast upon the Service
injoyned by the Church of England by the adversaries thereof
have thought fit that her late Mats name be omitted in publick
prayers, And further it is by the house considered, that (upon so
great a loss) Wee can do no less than with great grief condole the
Same, therefore do humbly Request his Exncy will be pleased
to joyne wth this house in setting a part a Solemn day of
humiliation for that Service.
Signed p Ordr W Bladen Clk Assembly.