Sign Manuall of the 22d day of August 1694: to your Exncy
Comanding assistance to be given by this Governmt of men
or other Supply's for defence of New York as need shall
Require, and upon intimacon of His Exncy the Governr of that
place, to which in all loyall and humble Obedience to the
Comands of that glorious Queen of ever blessed memory,
Wee humbly Signify to your Exncy
Ist That according to our utmost Abilities Wee shall att all
times be ready to Assist that Governmt with such number of
Men & armes when need shall require and his Exncy the Gov-
ernr shall intimate the same as the strength & ability of this
Province will afford: Consideracon being had to our Con-
tinuall Charge of Severall parties of men & horse which are
necessary and now actually in pay to Guard the ffrontiers of
this Province lying equally Exposed to the Attempts of ffor
raign Indians with any other of their Mats Governmts in this
2dly That as to Money according to the former Report of
this house to your Exncy Dated the 16th of October 1694:
That wee are not of ability to Advance in that particular by
reason of the vast Charge Wee have been & still are at which
yet Lyes heavy on us & great part vndischarged.
3dly That as to the Bill of Exchange in the Letter of their
Mats honoble Councill of New Yorke, this house know not any
thing of it. It appeares to be drawn by his late Exncy Governr
Copley but whether for service of the Province or not is
unknown to Us, nor does any request or Consent of the Rep-
resentative Body of this Province appear for the same
This Wee humbly Represent unto your Exncy as the sence
of this house on the premisses, praying your Exncies and the
Councills Concurrence therewith.
Signed p Ordr W Bladen Clk Assembly.
May the 18th 1695.
Brought from the house of Burgesses by Majr Whittington
& Majr Hamond the houses further Result touching Assist-
ance to New Yorke Vizt
To his Exncy the Governt in Councill &ca
By the house of Burgesses May 18th 1695.
As to the Affaire Relating to the Assistance of New York
Wee humbly Represent unto your Exncy that Wee have seri-
ously considered the Same and Entered these Minutes upon
our Journalls Vizt
Resolved that assistance shall be given when need shall
require & according to our fformer Message, And because the