This Board does concurr with the House therein & Order
that Proclamation issue under the Broad Seal to Proclame a
ffast accordingly to be kept Saturday next within this place,
and in the rest of the Counties the last day of May instant;
being thought fit to be deferr'd so long that publick Notice
may be given every where within the Province, agt that time
His Exncy does in particular Recommend to the Gentl. of the
Councill that they put themselves in Mourning upon this so
Solemn occasion, and that the same be recommended from
this Board to be performed by the house of Burgesses like-
wise, withall signifying the ffast appointed which was done in
the following Message, Vizt
By his Exncy the Governt & Councill in Assembly.
May 9th 1695.
This Board does readily concurr with the Message of your
house by Mr Tasker & Majr Maxwell sent, touching her
sacred Mats death of Blessed memory, and pursuant thereto
have appointed Saturday next to be set apart for a day of
Solemn ffast & humiliation, upon the said Occasion, and that
the last day of this Instant May, be strictly observed and
kept within the several Counties of the Province, likewise, to
which End Proclamacon is Ordered to issue accordingly.
His Exncy in Councill is also pleased to Signify and does in
particular Recommend to the house that the Severall mem-
bers thereof do put themselves in Mourning for the said
Signed p Ordr Hen Denton Cl Counc.
The said Message was sent to the house by the honble Coll
George Robotham and Capt Courts.
Fryday May 10th 1695.
Councill again mett sate & were present as before.
Produced at the Board (as by order) Proclamation touching
her Sacred Mats death, which being read was approved off,
Signed by his Exncy passed the Broad Seale of the Province;
The Tenour w.hereof Runes in these Words, Vizt
By his Exncy A Proclamation
Whereas the sad & most deplorable News of the Death of
her Sacred Maty Queen Mary, of ever blessed memory, is
lately made known in this Province as well by Letters from
severall Merchants & Othrs as also by the Gazetts & Votes of
Parliamt and hitherto no Significacon thereof hath been given