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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 115   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, Sept, 20-Oct. 18, 1694. 115

be done shall have and receive the ffees hereafter mentioned
and no more (to witt) for Entring any Ship or Vessell Come-
ing and Tradeing into this Province being under the Burthen
of one hundred Tons the Master thereof shall pay unto the
respective Navall Officer with whom he shall Enter such Ship
or Vessell as a ffee for Entring thereof the sume of five shill-
ings sterling and no more and five shillings more for the
Clearing thereof And if such Ship or Vessell shall be above
the Burthen of one hundred Tons or of Two hundred Tons &
upwards The Master for the Entry thereof shall pay the said
Navall Officer as a ffee Ten shillings Sterling and Ten shill-
ings for the Clearing thereof, And the said Navall Officers are
hereby Obliged to Enter all ships or Vessells of what burthen

Lib. L. L. 2.

soever of the buill of this Province and whereof the Owners
do inhabit and reside within this Province the Sume of two
shillings six pence sterling which is hereby allowed and Ascer-
teined him as a fee therefore and for the sume of Two Shill-
ings six pence shall Clear the same And be it further
Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all small Boats
belonging to this Province and being under Eighteen foot by
the Keele shall pass and repass without any Lett hinderance
Molestacon or Seizure of the same (unless they shall Carry
and have on board them prohibited Goods or Goods Lyable
to pay Custom to their Maties not Cocquetted or Clearing
for the same) without being obliged to take out permitts for
such passing and repassing as aforesaid. And That the
Masters of all Shallops and open Sloops tradeing within this
Province do pay unto the severall Navall Officers or their
Deputy or Deputys appointed for the Granting of Permitts
the sume of Two shillings six pence Yearly & no more for the
granting of such Permitts as aforesaid and shall give good
Security to be taken by such Officer aforesaid in their Maties
names That he or they shall and will duely observe the Acts
of Trade & Navigation and other the good Laws of this Pro-
vince relateing thereto And be it further Enacted That all
and every Collector and Collectors of this Province shall have
and receive such ffees for Entring and Clearing such Ships
and Vessells as aforesaid as are above allowed to the Navall
Officers and no more And That all Collectors and Navall

p. 78

Officers shall make a faire Table of all their ffees and hang
them up in their Offices under the Penalty of fifty pounds
Sterling to their Maties their heires and Successors for the
Supporte of Government to be recovered in any Court of
Record within this Province by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or
Information wherein no Essoyne protection or Wager of Law
shall be Allowed.

p. 79

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 115   View pdf image (33K)
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