may be Enacted and Be it Enacted by the King and Queens
most Excell' Maties by and with the Advice and Consent of
this Present Genll Assembly and the Authority of the same
That he the said Richard Bishop for the reasons aforesaid and
for payment of the Debt aforesaid may be Impowered and
Lawfully Authorized to Grant Bargain Sell Alien Enffeoff and
Confirm to any person or persons That will purchace the
same so much of the said Land as will amount to the said
Sume of fifty Thousand pounds of Tobbacco upon any part
thereof the Mannr house and Plantation Excepted & that the
Sale be good and Valid in Law & indefeaseable in ffee simple
against any person or persons whatsoever Provided That the
Quantity that shall be alienated Exceed not above Eight
hundred Acres there being no other way or Expedient that
Can be found for paying the Debt as aforesaid and relief of
him the sd Richd Bishop and Discharging the Debt upon the
said Lands as aforesd acrued.
An Act for Tonnage & Ascerteining Navall Officers ffees.
Be it Enacted by the King and Queens most Excellent
Maties by and with the Advice and Consent of this present
Generall Assembly and the Authority of the same That the
Severall and respective Master or Masters of all Ships or
Vessells Tradeing and Coming into this Province of what