County where the Land lyeth or in the Provinciall Court or
the Principal heads of the same Deed Clearly shewing and
declareing the Maner how Lands should pass from man
to man. And forasmuch as the same Law did not Provide for
the Security of all those Titles That did pass from man to man
from the Twenty Seaventh day of March one Thousand six
hundred and Seaventy one untill the thirteenth day of Aprill
in the Year of our Lord one thousand six hundred seaventy
and four nor no other Law Extant for secureing those Titles
being under the same Circumstances as those of one Thou-
sand six hundred Seaventy & one Wee the Deputys and
Delegates of this present Generall Assembly do pray that it
may be Enacted And be it Enacted, by the King and Queens
most Excellent Maties by and with the Advice & Consent of
this Present Generall Assembly and the Authority of the same
That the aforesaid Law Entituled An Act for Quieting of
Possessions and all the Branches and Provisoes therein Con-
teined be in full force and Virtue untill the thirteenth day of
Aprill in the Year of our Lord one thousand six hundred
Seaventy & four and not after.