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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 113   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 20-Oct. 18, 1694. 113

or persons That have heretofore taken up any Lott or Lotts in
either of the Towns by Virtue of any former Law of this Pro-
vince and built thereon according to the same former Law
they and every of them their heires and Assigns shall have and
enjoy a good sure Estate of Inheritance to them and their
heires for ever under the Rents and Services herein mentioned

Lib. L. L. 2.

and the Severall Lotts so built on shall be Deemed and taken
as part of the one hundred Lotts as aforesaid and the same
Town layd out as Conveniently thereto as may be And be it
Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That att the Town and
Porte of Seaverne in Ann Arundell County shall be bought or
Valued by the Jury as before in this Act is mentioned all that
parcell or neck of Land within Levey Neck Cove and Actons
Cove lying and adjoyning or near to the Town Land as afore-
said or so much thereof as by the Comrs shall be found Con-
venient to be fenced in and Called the Town Common or
Pasture and paid for and fenced in att the publick Charge and
shall be for the publick use and Service when need shall
require and that the Inhabitants of the said Towns shall not
raise any Stock of Cattle or hoggs horses or Sheep more then
what they Can Conteine and raise upon their respective Lott or
Lotts and not more att the discretion of the Comissioners of
The said Towns.

An Act Impowering Richard Bishop of Talbot County
Brother and heire of William Bishop late of Talbott County
deceased to sell and Dispose of so much Land as will Amount
to fifty Thousand pounds of Tobbacco for the payment of the
Charges Expended in recovering of the said Estate.
Whereas William Bishop late of Talbott County Deceased
did make his Last Will and Testament in Writeing and therein

p. 74

amongst Diverse Legacys and bequests did devise unto
Richard Bishop senior and to Richard Bishop Junior and to
William Bishop Severall Tracts of Lands to them and theire
heires for ever Declaring that they should not alien any of the
said Lands but that they should remaine Continue and be in
the name of the Bishops for ever And whereas the said Richard
Bishop after the decease of the said William his Brother did
Come into this Country and Demanded all the said Lands in
Right of himselfe and his Two Sons Richard and William
Bishop but the Executors in the Will named did forceably
hold deteine and keep out the said Bishop from all and every
part and parcell of the said Land Contrary to the said Last
Will and Testament and the said Richard in his own Right
and the Right of his sons William and Richard Bishop did
Comence his suite agt the Executors for recovery of the said
Lands and did pursue the same through the whole Course of

p. 75

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 113   View pdf image (33K)
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