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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 112   View pdf image (33K)
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112 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 20-Oct. 18, 1694.

Lib. L. L. 2.
p. 72

the said Comissioners which Jury upon their Oaths to be
Administred by the said Comrs are to inquire & Assess such
Damages and Recompence as they shall think fitt to be
awarded to the Owners and all persons Interrested according
to their Severall and respective Interrests in the said Land or
any part thereof and what sume of Tobbacco the said Jury
shall adjudge the said Land to be worth shall be paid to the
said Owners and persons Interrested by such person or
persons as shall take up the sd respective Lott or Lotts pro-
portionably thereunto and the said Comissrs or the Major part
of them are hereby Impowered by respective Warrants under
their hands and Seals to sumons the Surveyor Generall or the
Surveyor of the County to Survey and lay out the said one
hundred Acres in the places aforementioned in maner and
forme aforesaid to be marked and Staked out as aforesaid and
when the same is so Surveyed and laid out as aforesaid and
Valued as aforesaid That then whosoever shall make Choice
of any such Lott as aforesaid and make Entry thereof before
and with the officer or person as by the Comissioners shall be
appointed to keep the Book for Entry of the same and pay
such Sume or quantity of Tobbacco as shall by the discretion
of the Comissioners be rated upon such Lott and payable to
the Owner of such Land and on Such Lott shall build one
Twenty foot Square Dwelling house att least within twelve
months after takeing up the same unless such building be
larger then herein Expressed shall by Virtue thereof and of
the building and finishing as aforesd invest the taker up and
builder as aforesaid with an Estate of Inheritance in the said

p. 73

Lott to him his heires and Assignes for ever and be a per-
petuall Barr to the Owners and persons Interrested in the said
Lands either within or without this Province even against his
Lordship the Right Honorable Charles Lord Barron of Balte-
more Lord Proprietary of this Province his heires and Suc-
cessors Yielding and paying to the sd Lord Proprietary and
his Successors forever the yearly Rent of one peny Currant
money for each respective Lott as aforesd And that the Sur-
veyor of each Town and Porte as aforesaid shall have and
receive such ffees and rewards for laying out and Stakeing the
Towns and Lotts as aforesd as the said Comissionrs shall
Allow and settle and no more And any person or persons that
shall build and Inhabit in such Porte or Town and shall owe
any Sum or Sums of Tobbo and will pay the same in such
Town as he shall be Allowed Ten p Cent for every hogshead
of four hundred weight and upwards so paid in Towns to be
deducted out of the Debt aforesaid or pleadable in barr of the
Creditor And be it further Enacted by Authority aforesaid
by and with the advice and Consent aforesaid That any person

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 112   View pdf image (33K)
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