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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 111   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 20-Oct. 18, 1694. 111

mond, Major Edward Dorsey Mr John Bennet, Mr John
Dorsey, Mr Henry Constable, Mr Andrew Norwood, Mr Philip
Howard, Mr James Sanders and the Honoble Nicholas Green-
bery Esqr And for the Town and Porte in Talbott County
att Oxford aforesaid Mr Edward Mann Mr John Edmundson
Mr Clement Saile Mr John Neels Mr John Hawkins Mr Thomas
Robins and Mr Thomas Robins Junior The Honble George
Robotham, Mr Thomas Smithson and Mr Robert Smith And
be it Enacted th' the Comissioners herein nominated for each
Respective Town in each County aforesaid or the major part
of them are hereby Impowered Sometime before the five &
Twentieth day of February in the year of our Lord One Thou-
sand six hundred ninety four to meet together upon the
respective Lands and places for Towns before mentioned then
& there to Treat wth and Agree with the Owners and all
persons interrested in the said Lands and buy and purchace of
such Owners and others Interrested in the said Lands one
Acres of the said Lands att Discretion of the persons aforesaid
least prejudiciall to the Owners and they that purchace shall
Cause the same to be Surveyed and after Survey so made
shall Cause the same to be marked Staked and Divided into
Convenient Streets lanes and Alleys with other Spare places
to be left on which may be a Church Chapell Market house or

Lib. L. L. 2.

other publick building and the remaining part of the said one
hundred Acres to be divided into one hundred Equall Lotts
Marked on Some Posts or Stakes towards the streets or lanes
with numbers one, two, three, four, and so to an hundred out
of which Lotts the Owner of such Lands shall have the first
Choice for one Lott dureing the Space of one Year after the
said five and Twentieth day of February Except his Excellency
Francis Nicholson Esqr Governor of this Province who shall
have the next Imediate Choice of one, Two, or three Lotts in
each or either of the said Towns if his Excy so pleases after
which the Lotts shall be taken up by the Inhabitants of the
Countys onely dureing six months after laying out the same
and if the inhabitants shall not take up the same Lotts in the
time aforesaid It shall be then free for any person or persons
whatsoever to take up the said Lott or Lotts paying the
Owner Proportionably for the same And in Case any person
or persons shall willfully refuse to make Sale of any such
Lands herein before mentioned or any person or persons
through Nonage Coverture or non Sane memorie or other
Impediment or disability whatsoever that then the Comis-
sioners aforesaid nominated for each respective Town are
hereby Anthorized by Virtue of this Act to issue out Warrants
to the Sherriffs of the said Countys to Impower them to
Impannell and return a Jury of freeholders to appear before

p. 71

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 111   View pdf image (33K)
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