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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 110   View pdf image (33K)
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no Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 20-Oct. 18, 1694.

Lib. L. L. 2.

Entring such Rule in the Record shall for that year be an
absolute Law and rule for every Justice of that County Court
as to their Expences and it shall not be Lawfull to Collect or
raise any more Tobbacco for defraying the County Court
Justices Expences then so much as by such Consent and Rule
shall be limitted and Agreed on as aforesd and if they see fitt
to make the same Rule or such other as they shall agree on as
aforesd once in every year dureing this Act anything herein to
the Contrary notwithstanding And be it further Enacted
That one Act of Assembly made att a Generall Assembly of
this Province begun and held att the City of St Marys the
Tenth day of May in the year of our Lord one Thousand six
hundred ninety and two Intituled an Act Ascerteining the
Expences of Comissioners of the Provinciall and County
Courts be and is hereby utterly repealed and made Void.

p. 69

An Act for Erecting Ann Arundell and Oxford Towns into
Ports and Towns.
Be it Enacted by the King and Queens most Excellent
Maties by and with the Advice and Consent of this present
Genll Assembly and the Authority of the same That from and
after the Publication hereof The Land Called the Town Land
att Seavern in Ann Arundell County where the Town was
formerly and the Land att Oxford in Talbott County where
the Town was formerly shall from hence forth be Towns and
Ports and Places of Trade where all Ships and Vessells may
Come to for Entring & Clearing to which End the Collector
of that District or his Lawfull Deputys shall Constantly Reside
att the said Towns and Ports and also Navall Officer or
Officers or their Deputys shall also Constantly reside there
for giveing Dispatch to all Ships and Vessells Coming or
Tradeing into them ports and that the same Towns & Ports
may be Capable of being built upon and Inhabited by persons
desireing to Dwell and inhabit in them Be it Enacted by the
Authority aforesaid That from and after the Proclaiming of
this Act all and every the persons named herein for Comis-
sioners shall be Comrs of and for the said Two Towns and
each of them and they and every of them shall and may
Execute the Powers & Authoritys hereby given them accord-
ing to the Directions hereafter Given and proscribed as well
for the buying and purchasing the aforesaid Towns Lands of the
now Owners and Possessors of the same as for the Surveying
and laying out the same & Stakeing out the severall Lotts to

p. 70

be laid out in them to the end the Length breadth and Extent
of each Lott in each Town and Porte may be known and Dis-
tinguished (that is to say) for the said Town and Porte of Ann
Arundell in Ann Arundell County aforesaid, Major Ham-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 110   View pdf image (33K)
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