Lloyd of Talbott County in this our sd Province of Maryland,
greeteing in our Lord God Everlasting. Know yee that we
Reposeing speciall trust and confidence in your ffidelity pru-
dence, & Circumspection have ordeined constituted, author-
ised and appointed, and by these presents doe ordeine consti-
tute Authorise and appoint you the sd Coll Henry Coursey
and Coll Philemon Lloyd or either of you to be our Embassadors
or Embassador Agents or Agent, Envoys or Envoy, to ffort
Albany in the Dominion of his Royall Highness the Duke of
Yorke for us in our name to treate with and confirme the
peace with the Sinniquos and other the severall Northern
Nations of Indians for all his Majties loving Subjects as well of
and within this Province as also those of Virginia and all our
neighbouring or ffriend Indians under our protection accord-
ing to our Articles with them formerly made by you the said
Coll Henry Coursey at the sd ffort Albany. Wherefore you
and either of you are with all convenient Speed (soe soone as
you cann possibly have prepared for the same) to sett forward
on your journey to New Yorke with such necessary provision
and attendance as you and either of you shall think fitt, and
apply your selfes or Self at your or either of your arriveall
there to the Governor Generall or other Commander in Chiefe
under his Royall highness there for the tyme being Desireing
leave to pass through those Territoryes in ordr to your or either
of your comeing to a treaty with the sd Indians, for the more
easy and fully effecting whereof you or either of you are also
to request (if need be) the Assistance of that Governmt in
procureing a firme and lasting peace with the sd Indians as well
for our selves and all other his Majties Loving Subjects in the
Collony of Virginia as also for the Pascattoways, and all other
our neighbouring and ffriend Indians in peace and Amity with
us, and under our protection, according to the Tenor of your
Instructions herewith given you, which you and either of you
are diligently to observe performe ffullfill and keepe in this
and all other points relateing to your or either of your negotia-
tion. And we doe hereby Request and Desire that due faith
and creditt may be given to you the sd Henry Coursey and
Philemon Lloyd or either of you, and that according to the
Law of nations you or either of you be received credited and
beleived in all parts and points of this your negotiation, hereby
promiseing and engageing to Ratifie confirme and approove
of as good whatsoever shall be by you or either of you done
in the premisses pursuant to this Comission and your sd
Instructions as fully amply largely and effectually to all Intents
and purposes as if the same were Immediately done by our
Given at our City of St Maries under the greate Seale of
Liber K.