to be procured) on their part. Dated the nineth Day of May
1682: Signed p ordr
John Llewellin
To the honble Coll Wm Stevens Clke Consil
of Somersett County
Came Edward English negro and exhibited this his foll
petition viz.
To the Rt honble the Lord Propry and his honble Councill now
sitting at the City of St Maries.
The humble Petition of Edward Inglish formerly being a
Servant to Coll Nathaniel Vty deed.
Mr Henry Johnson after the decease of Coll Nathaniel Vty
did marry with the widow of the sd Uty, and haveing the
Estate of the sd Uty in his possession at disposeing, your
poore Petitioner being still a Servant to the Estate of Coll
Uty and under servitude to Henry Johnson; the said Johnson
did voluntarily give your Petitioner from under his hand in
writeing in the presence of Jacob Claus de Young and Jacob
Jenifer on the Tenth of Aprill 1677: which sd writeing was
shewed to Coll George Wells and he did read it severall
tymes which did specifye the tyme which was five yeares from
the tenth day of Aprill 1677: to the tenth Day of Aprill 1682:
which your Petitioner hath fully Compleated, and duely served
to the Tenor of his writeing wch he gave me freely in token of
his love he bore me, for which your poore Petitioner being
borne and baptized in your Province in the feare of God and
doe learne to read the Gospell hopeth your honor will be
pleased to consider your poore Petitioner and that he may
have his freedome according to his Masters will and
Your poore Petitioner will pray for your Honor
By the Lord Propry & Councill.
May 9th 1682 :
Ordered that the Commissionrs of Baltemore County Court,
in Court sitting take the petition into their Consideration, and
doe therein as to Justice appertaineth with due regard had to
the Orphan to whom the Petr (as this Board is informed) of
right belongeth. Signed p ordr
John Llewellin
Clk Consil.