p. 320
Instructions for Coll Henry Coursey and Coll Philemon
Lloyd and either of them who are sent as Agents from the Rt
honble the Lord Propry of this Province of Maryland to the
Governmt of New Yorke and the Northern Nations of Indians
to Conclude a peace as well for his sd Ldspp and all his Majties
Subjects in this Province as for those that live in Virginia
together with all the Indians in Amity with his sd Ldspp on
both sides the Bay of Chesepeake (viz)
Imprs You are to apply your Selves to the Governor of
New Yorke for the tyme being and to present him with your
Credentialls, that it may appeare to him how you are Quali-
fied for the present negotiation, and then to request of him
liberty to goe up to ffort Albany to treate with the Onneids,
Onondagoes Quiongos Maaques Sinnondowannes and all
other the Northern Nations that make warr upon us or any
the Indians in Amity with his Ldspp
2dly That he will permitt you to choose your owne Inter-
preter, and to manage your Business your owne way
3dly That you Enquire out Mr Sanders and advise with
him about the wayes and meanes to effect a peace with all the
sd nations, and if you find him a person able to effect a peace (as
he told Capt Hill he could) that then you follow his measures
and method of effecting the peace, but if you miss of him or
find him not a person able to effect what he promised, you are
to vse your owne discretions and to take such a medium as
you shall thinke best to compass a peace for us and our ffriend
4thly In the peace to be made for ourselves you must in noe
wise neglect to include his Majties Subjects of Virginia, and if
possible you must include the Pascattoway Mattawoman Chop-
tico and all the rest of our ffriend Indians on both sides the
bay of Chesepeake: And to effect this you must Zealously
apply yourselves, because if we abandon our ffriend Indians
here we shall not onely force them to submitt to their Northern
Enemys, but to Incorporate with them, and soe not onely
considerably strengthen them to attempt any thing upon us
when their thirst of plunder or blood shall prompt them to
breake peace with us, but also add a party who will spurr
them on to breake the peace in reveinge of our breach of
Articles and Deserting them, as wee see the small remnant of
the Susquesahannohs have done.
5thly To Effect this Inclusion of Pascattoway Indians &ca
(wch is the hardest part of your Taske, you must endeavour to
Interest the Governnt of New Yorke in the affaire, and to