To the Rt honble the Lord Propry in Council
The humble Petition of James Ringold Sheweth
That the Comrs of the sd County about two yeares since did
allow out of the County Leavy unto Richard Swettnam ^4000
of Tobacco, 1538 part thereof the sd Sweatnam did by a note
under his hand ordr Michael Miller then and still Sheriff of the
sd County to pay to the Petitioner, which sd summe the sd
Miller hath not yett paid much to the Damage of yor Peti-
tioner, & contrary to the trust reposed in him as Sheriffe
The premisses considered the Petr humbly begs that the sd
Sheriffe may answer the premisses, and that such ordr may be
taken therein as to yr Ldspp shall seeme meete.
And he shall pray &ca
Resolved that the Petitioner hath his remedy at Law and
doth not properly lye within the Cognizance of this Board.
Wherefore he is dismissed without further heareing.
Memdu the 5th Day of May Thomas Burford gentl Attor-
ney genll being appointed to Examine John Pryor and other
the persons with him summoned accordingly tooke the follow-
ing Depositions wch were ordered to be Entred in Councill