Liber R.
At a Councill held at the City of St Maries the second Day
of May Anno Dmi 1682
The Rt honble the Lord Propry
f Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor Coll Thomas Tailler
The honble J William Calvert Esqr Secry Coll Will" Stevens
Vincent Lowe Esqr Sur. Genll
At wch tyme James Bowleing of St Maries County gentl
exhibited agt John Pryor Mrchant this following information
Dennis Husculah of St Maries County Planter informes
that liveing about five miles from the place where One John
Pryor mrchant of London keepes store of late he hath scene
severall Indians pass by his house with bundles of Deere
skinns, who told me that they had sold those Deere skinns to
the aforesaid M'chant, and further informes that his house
being within four Miles of the Indian Towne Zachajah, and
haveing often occasion to have conference with the said
Indians, and more especially of late to the Intent to buy Deere
p. 315
Skinns to supply my greate necessity for Cloatheing have been
told by the sd Indians that all the Deer skinns they have had
of late they have sold and disposed of to one John Pryor the
aforesaid Mrchant, and to One James Smallwood for the
sd Mrchants use, which he presumes to be contrary to
the Act of Assembly in that case provided, and greately to the
hinderance of the Inhabitants who are hereby prevented from
buying Deere skins of the sd Indians the onely hopes of
Cloatheing our selves this scarce yeare of goods.
Also Edward Turnor Informes that haveing Conference of
late with the Doctor of Harris' Shipp he the sd Doctor told
this Informer that he saw the aforesaid John Pryor buy Deere
skinns of the Indians at Westwood house.
Whereupon ordered that the Sheriff of St Maries County be
Commanded to summons the sd John Pryor together with
Thomas Gerard, Thomas Helgar Dennis Huscula and the
Chyrurgion of Harris Shipp to appeare before his Ldspp and
Councill some tyme dureing this Provinciall Court and accord-
ingly issued this following precept, (viz.)
By the Lord Propry & Councill
Maryland ss:
You are hereby willed and Required forthwith upon sight
hereof to summon John Pryor Mrchant, Thomas Gerard,
Thomas Helgar, Dennis Husculah, and the Chyrurgion of
Harris Shipp that all excuses sett apart they and every of
them be and personally appeare before his Ldspp and Councill