within that Governmt with the Northern Indians but on Condi-
tion of their Quiet & peaceable Demeanor to the people Inhi-
tants of this Province as (we are credibly informed) those
of Delaware and New York have had being all alike Subjects
to his Majtie the King of England: which is the summe and
substance of what is within conteined, and which by all pru-
dent Arguments you are to moove unto him by order from
his Ldsp and Councill of this Province.
His Ldsp and Councill Signed p ordr
have advice from Coll p J Llewellin Cl Consil
Tailler that you are sufficiently
qualifyed with creditt to manage
this Negotiation, you are therefore
desired to make vse thereof soe
farr forth as your occasions shall
require which shall certainly be
reimbursed and made good to you
to your Conveniency.
Ordered that a Commission be drawne for the Dutch Doctor
to be Interpreter of the Indians with liberty given him to
trade and traffick with thm
By Edward Abbott a Petition preferred & ordered reading
To the Lord Propry and the Rest of the honble Councill
The humble Petition of Edward Abbott most humbly sheweth
That whereas your petr hath been convicted of severall
heinous and abusefull words by your petr spoken against the
person of the Lord Propry and the honble Chancelor but your
Petr at the time of the words spoken was not himself, but
doth humbly acknowledge the misdemeano" committed
against his Ldsp and honble Chancelor and whereas your Petr
hath been in custody of Major William Boareman ever since
last Assembly, and haveing nothing to live upon, but what
your Pctr labours honestly for, humbly implores your Honore
Clemency pardon and Release, that your Petr may not be for
ever ruined by long Imprisonmt And your Petr shall in all
humble manner and due obedience become a new reformed
Subject towards his Ldsp, the honble Councill & Governmt
The premisses being taken into your honors Considerations
that your Petr at the time of the words spoken was soe much
in drink, that your Petr did not remember any thing either
what was done or spoken at the time, soe hopes your Honors
will graciously be pleased to grant the desire of your poore
distressed and sorrowfull penitent Petr
And as in Duty bound your Petr shall ever pray &c.