Liber R.
to his Majtie the King of England with those of Delaware and
New Yorke that you will now prohibitt any further Corre-
spondency with those Indians in a way of traffick and supplyes,
unless they will also desist from any further Acts of hostility
against us, and proceed to maintaine and keepe that league of
peace and Amity with us made which we desire and are will-
ing to preserve towards them.
With this our soe reasonable Request which the lives and
propertyes of his Majties subjects call for at our hands we have
entrusted the bearer Capt Richard Hill (to whom you may
give all faith and Credence) and hope that you will vouchsafe
to expedite him again to us with such a satisfactory answer
hereunto as may not occasion our further addresses to the
King and Councill and his Royll Highness himself for the pres-
ervation of his Majties Subjects here from the insolencies out-
rages and attempts of those Northern Indians, which otherwise
in Duty and Conscience we shall be obleiged to doe, But we
in noe wise doubt of your Sufficient power and consequently
your free and ready Concurrence hereunto, in Confidence that
(if at any time this Governmt may be qualified to rettalliate or
in any measure to accommodate you with the like neighbourly
& Christian like aid and Assistance) you will most certainly
find a fair and just Correspondency by and with the approba-
tion and ready Concurrence of
Sr Your humble servants
To the honble Capt Anthony Brockholls C. Baltemore
Commander in Chiefe or other Philip Calvert
Commandr in Chiefe for the time William Calvert
being at Vincent Lowe
New Yorke Thomas Tailler
These. William Digges
p. 310
St Maries March 4th 1681
Capt Richard Hill.
Inclosed you will receive a Letter to the Commander in
Chiefe of his Royall Highnes's Governmt of New York which
by his Ldspp and Councill is committed to your care and charge
for conveyance. You are therefore forthwith upon Receipt
hereof to sett forward on your journey thither; and upon your
arriveall there (which yu are to expedite with what speed pos-
sibly you cann) you are to address yorself to Capt Anthony
Brockholls or other Commander in Chiefe for the time being
there (whereof you are first rightly to informe your Self) to
whom present the Inclosed, pressing him (soe far as with pru-
dence and modesty may consist) to vouchsafe you a speedy
dispatch, and his Ldsp and Councill a satisfactory Returne of
their Request by prohibiting trade at Albany or else where