The Commission, Instructions and answer to the Indians
Articles are as followeth viz
Maryland ss :
Charles Absolute Lord and Propry of the Provinces of
Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c To our
right trusty and well beloved Counsellors Coll Henry Coursey
and Coll William Stevens Greeteing
Whereas some Troopes of the Northern Indians are lately
come downe into this Province and (as wee are credibly
informed) intend to seate themselves and sitt downe for some
time before or neere the Pascattoway ffort at Zachaiah.
And whereas the sd Northern Indians by their propositions
in severall Articles lately made unto us Desire to enter into
league of peace and Amity with us or rather to confirm their
former league made with them in our behalf by Coll Henry
Coursey at Albany; Which haveing Duely weighed and con-
sidered that the same may be of greate Moment and Concern
to us, tending to the Quiett peace and safety of the Inhabi-
tants of this Province. Wee have by and with the advice and
Consent of our Councill Authorised Commissionated and
Empowered, And we Doe hereby Authorise Commissionate
and Impower you the said Coll Henry Coursey and Coll
William Stevens our Commission" jointly & severally to treate