sitt still and be Quiett, And that since the Zachaiah Indians
had been soe treacherous to their friends they would cutt them
off and then acquaint their friends with it
The manner of presenting the axe more particularly Jacka-
napes did further relate to be thus viz The Zachaiah Indians
carried it to the Emperour of Nantecoke, He sent it to the
Transquakin Indians, they to the Mattwass Indians who
looked over their backs and would take noe notice of it, The
Transquakin Indians tendred them a belt of Peake but the
Mattawass would not accept of it but sent it to the Indians by
the ffrench (vizt) the Sinniquo Indians who also refused it and
sent it to the Onneydes they asked from whence it came,
and understanding that it was fro the Pascattoways they
whetted the Edge, the Onondagoes did the same and sent it
back to the Quiagoes who would not accept thereof but dulled
the Edge again and returned it to the Onneydes and Onon-
dagoes with whom it still remaines.
Liber R.
The King of Mattawoman next gives his Lspp and Councill
to undrstand viz
That for his part he had never done the Sinniquos any hurt,
but was in the same predicamt with the English, for the Pas-
cattoways had sold him as well as the English, and were the
Chiefe meanes of the Damage he had lately susteined from
the northern Indians in cutting off his ffort, That the Pascatto-
way Indians lately in a Warr Dance had strictly required
Secrecy among them that none should tell what they had
He likewise further informes this board
That some time since the Nanjatico Indians came over to
Choptico and told the Choptico Indians that they were make-
ing a present to make peace with the Sinniquos which they
did with three hands in a belt of Peake and sent it over with
an axe to the Eastern shore Indians who presently demanded
where was the other hand for the Mattawomans, (the other
three hands being for the Zachaiah Choptico and Nanjatico
Indians, Urmacokassimon the Emperour also asked what the
King of Mattawoman did. Whither he sate still all the while
that his hand was not there
Ordered that Coll Henry Coursey and Coll William Stevens
be Empowered and Commissionated to treate with the
Northern Indians according to Instructions to be given them
in relation thereunto with what shall be thought requisite to
be returned them in answer to their Articles tendred to his
Lspp and Councill this Day
p. 240