Instruccons with due regard had to the honor of the Governmt
and the constant peace and Quiet Safety and Defence of the
Inhabitants aforesd. An Exact Accot of your proceedings
you are duely to keepe and the same from time to time and at
all times hereafter (dureing this your Negotiation) when and
as often as occasion shall require you are to transmitt unto us
and our Councill at our City of St Maries to the End that such
further care may be therein taken as may be necessary for
your further Instructions in the prosecution of this your Com-
mission ffor all which this shall be your Sufficient power.
Given under our hand and Seale at Armes the four and
Twentieth Day of August in the Sixth yeare of our Dominion
&c Annoq Domini 1681 :
Instructions for Coll Henry Coursey and Coll William
Stevens Authorised and Impowered by the Rt honble the Lord
Propry to treate with the Northern Indians now neere Zachaiah
After you have treated with them upon the propositions
they sent downe by the two Messengers that came downe with
Jacob Young the Interpreter You are
ffirst to Lett them know that wee are certainly Informed
that about the first of June last there was dispatched tenn
Susquehannohs and tenn other Northern Indians in Canooes
downe Pottomack River with a Pascattoway Indian prisoner
for their guide, that the fifteenth of June wee had five men
and one Woman killed at Point Looke out, and some few
Daies after twelve Indians were seene in Potapscoe whereof