Liber R.
then I asked him whither he knew nothing of an Axe sent to
Nantecoke, and of the whetting of it there, he told me noe,
but something he did think was done: but what it was them
Indians would not tell; I further told him I heard it was
against the English which if they did they would have cause to
Repent, upon which with a greate deale of willingness he
told me he would goe directly home and from thence to Nan-
tecoke, and that he had kindred there that he did verily
beleive would tell him; and bring me word again, he did
come but I was not at home, soe he left word he would come
again which when I know your Ldsp shall have speedy infor-
mation Your Ldsps most humble Serv'
January the 28th 1681
This Day came Launcelott Sakell unto the house of Mr
Nathaniel Evatts being of Kent County, a Traveller and lately
come from Albany, and from thence to New York, and said
that he saw about fourty Sinniquos at Albany who had bought
powder and shott (as they said) were intended for to come for
Maryland at the Spring of the yeare when the bark would
runn and make Canooes, and goe downe the Bay to my Lord,
and Demand the Pascattoway Indians, and if they were not
delivered that then they would goe downe to the Lower parts
and Delaware for the head of the Bay had done them noe
wrong; The said Sakel said that he was in the Company of
one Clause Debore a Dutchman and had the Account from an
Interpreter then present, but the Interpreters name he hath
forgotten; and the said Sakel said that he came from thence
to New York and was at the house of a Scotch Mrchant whose
name was Grimes and there he saw about tenn or twelve Sin-
niquos more, who had bought about thirty pounds of powder
and new Gunns also. This Information and Examination
taken by me. James Ringold
Commissions then issued by his Ldsps ordr to Henry Ward
of County to be Capta of a Company of ffoote
formerly under the Command of Capt Wild
Edward Swettman of County to be Lt of a Company
of ffoote in County under the Command of Capt
Henry Ward
William Lawrence to be Capt of a Company of ffoote in
Kent County formerly under the Command of Capt.
Thomas Marsh deed:
John Hinson of County to be Captn Ltt of a Company
of ffoote in County under the Command of Coll Henry