Then next read and heard a Petition preferred by John
Lemaire viz
To the Rt honble the Lord Propry in Councill Sitting &ca
The humble Petition of John Lemaire of Charles County
humbly Sheweth
That at a Provinciall Court held at the City of St Maries
the 15th day of ffebruary 1680: your Petitioner obteyned
judgemt against George Godfrey of the same County for
ffifty pounds of Tobacco Damage and 3652' of tobo Costs of
Suite, and also hath due unto him from the said Godfrey 520'
tobo for Medicines administred to his ffamily by his ordr all
which Tobacco the said Godfrey being lately convicted cannot
obteine, and although your Petitioner is informed your Ldsp
hath graciously granted the said Godfrey his whole Estate
fforfeited to your Ldsp by such Conviction aforesaid yett the
said Godfrey doth utterly refuse to pay your Petitioner his just
dues aforesaid
Your Petr therefore humbly prayes Releife in the prmisses
and that your Petr may be ordered the said Tobacco so due
to him as aforesaid amounting in the whole 4222' of tobacco
out of the Estate of the sd Godfrey so forfeited as aforesd
And your Petr as in Duty bound shall pray &c.
The charges of Godfreys guards and Imprisonmt with some
other debts ordered by his Ldsp to be paid being Satisfyed out
of the Estate, the Remaindr thereof his Ldsp hath bestowed on
the wife and Children of the sd Godfrey for their necessary
support and maintenance. Wch is his Ldspps answer to the
above Petition.
Memdu upon a Petition preferred to this board by Major
John Wheeler for allowance of Charges by him expended in
sueing out Mandamus on Lindseys Land, was ordered to be
pd him p Philip Lynes (likecy to have the benefitt thereof.) as
foll viz.