for Lief or Ensigne there I know not; The next is my Lief
who hath noe Comission his name is John Hinson; My
Ensigne whose name is Nathaniel Evatts is soe crippled with
the gripeing of the Gutts that he is Quite disabled; Josias
Lankam is the next I pitch on who is my Majors Sonn in Law
if your Ldspp likes well of it; all these Commissions I want
before I cann proceed to doe any thing: for noe Coll hath
any power to make or appoint any Commission Officer with-
out speciall power from his Generall. In the next place as
soone as I see Coll Lloyd I intend to consult him about the
horse under his Command in the Upper County that there
may some be ready to joine with the foote there in case of
the Enemys approaches. My Lord as people live in this
Countrey I am at a loss how possible to preserve all unless I
had speciall Instructions for to draw them to some places of
strength to secure them; I gave Mr Inglish Sr Edmond
Andros Letter with speciall charge to give it Augustine with
his owne hands, I shall waite your Ldsps further Cofnands at
home untill the above said Commissions come. The Com-
mission" in Cecill County have putt that Tobacco your Ldsp
ordered them to pay to Kent County for the bringing the
Armes and Ammunition up to Kent into the hands of their
Sheriff, but with this restriction not to part with it untill the
Armes and Ammunition intended for their County be placed
there: One thing more I will make bold to trouble your Ldsp
with which is if yu please to grant two Commissions for Cap-
tains viz: One South Sassafrax, and the other the North side
in case of trouble they will be the more ready though they
have but 35: men each; all which I humbly Offer to your Ldsps
consideration & Remaine
Your Ldspp most humble & thankfull Serv'
Henry Coursey
Postscript viz.
I have here inclosed sent your Ldsp an information taken by
my Major how farr the Report may be true I know not; but
as to them Sinniquos he sayes he saw at New York; I am apt
to beleive that is false because they were never used to come
thither. About a weeke since came Tequassino to me to
complaine of some English man that had stole his horse, and
that another English man had stole his hoggs and that he
could proove it by two Sawyers which he gott to goe with him
to view them, and Desired redress; I told him I would
acquaint your Ldsp with it, and did not doubt but you would
speedily take care to redress such abuses; This discourse
ushered me to ask him what their Indians thought of the Sinni-
Liber R.