By the Lord Propry & Councill
Maryld ss:
The first and last day of this Provinciall Court his Ldsp hath
appointed to sitt in Councill at the City of St Maries to heare
and receive all addresses to him made concerning Lands,
whereof all persons concerned are to take cognizance soe as to
be there personally present themselves or have their Attorney
there ready to state their Case for his Ldsp and Councills better
Information, without which his Ldsp will heare noe Petitions of
that nature. Dated the 27th Day of ffebry in the Seaventh
yeare of the Dominion of the Rt honble Charles &c. Annoq
Dmi. 1681: Signed p ordr
p J Llewellin Cl Consil
At a Councill held at the City of St Maries the 28"' Day of
ffebruary Anno Dmi. 1681 :
The Rt honble the Lord Propry
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelo'
The honble William Calvert Esqr Secry
Coll Thomas Tailler
Coll Wm Stevens
The honble Present
Capt Wm Digges
his Ldsp commanded the reading over what passed yesterday
which was done as also the Letter prepared by the Clk of the
Councill for the severall Colllls according to order yesterday
and was approoved of being as foll viz.
ffebruary 27th 1681:
Whereas upon some Insolencyes outrages and attempts not
long since committed by the Northern Indians on the Inhabi-
tants of this Province, you have lately recd: a Commission
from his Ldsp giveing you ample power upon discovery of any