ance of any Indians in a warlike posture or upon any violence
or injury offered or attempted, and that every person might
upon any such attempt made upon him or injury offered to
him freely defend himself, to the destruction of the Enemy
but by noe meanes to create a warr by falling upon any Indian
whatsoever that may appeare or present himself in a friendly
manner as aforesaid; which was likewise the sense of the
board and therefore ordered that the same be accordingly
made knowne to the severall Principall offices to whom the
said Commissr have been granted by them to be published
at the heads of their Regimts and single Troopes or Cornpa-
nyes in a Letter to be prepared by the Clk of the Councill for
the view of his Ldspp and Councill the next Day ordered also
that new Commission issue to Coll Lloyd as before the last
being some what defective as to the precincts under his
Charge being onely for Talbott County whereas his Regimt is
in Talbott Kent and Caecil Countyes wch accordingly issued viz
Charles Absolute Lord and Propry of the Provinces of
Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &ca To
Coll Philemon Lloyd of Talbott County Greeteing
Maryld ss:
Whereas we have been credibly and certainly informed
[Seale] and advised of several insolencies outrages and attempts
CB: offered unto and made upon severall the Inhabitants of
this Province by the Northern Indians plundering robbing and
murdering the sd Inhabitants as by their frequent clamours and
Complaints to us hath been sett forth: Wee Doe therefore
hereby strictly charge and Command you Coll Philemon Lloyd
Commander in Chiefe under us of all our Militia of horse in Tal-
bott Kent and Caecill Counties immediately upon sight hereof to
cause all the Inhabitants of the said Counties by you enlisted or
under your charge and Command to stand and be upon their
guard and posture of Defence; and in case any of the sd
Indians or others in a warlike posture shall present themselves
or be discovered in or about any the frontire or other planta-
tions of your County or other the sd Counties under your
charge and Command as aforesaid, or that shall publickly or
privately offer any violence insolency outrage or attempt in
and upon any the Inhitants You are to use your best care
skill and endeavour according to your discretion and the
utmost of your strength power and Ability to fight, kill, take,
vanquish, overcome, follow, pursue, and destroy them, and in
all respects to deale with and treate them as the Common
Enemy, and in all thinges to Act doe and performe as to your
place and Office appertained and as any Collonell of horse
may or of right ought to doe according to the tenor of our
Liber R.
p. 299