such or others in a warlike posture to deale with and treate
them in all respects as the Common Enemy according to the
tenor of your former Commission which by some rash and
ignorant persons hath been misconstrued and the true sense
and meaneing thereof altogether inverted and misapplyed ;
every particular and individuall person from thence assume-
ing to himself a priviledge of killing any Indian or Indians
w'soever though perhapps presenting him or themselves in a
friendly manner and with intent of peace and Amity which
will inevitably create an unnecessary and expensive warr with
all the Ill consequencies thereof attending wch was directly
contrary to his Ldspps designe in granting the said Comission,
thereby intending onely the Inhitants of this Province to stand
and be upon their guard and posture of Defence agt any
attempts or Assault that might be made upon them that soe
they might not be surprised by the sd Northern Indians as
then was and still is greately feared.
You are therefore on dayes of Musters and traineing or
other seasonable times forthwith upon Receipt hereof by your
Self or Officers at the head of your Regiment or single Com-
panyes to publish and make knowne to the Souldiers under
Liber R.
your Command and others the Inhabitants within your pre-
cincts the true extent of your Comission which is not to affect
any neighbouring or other friend Indians who shall at any
time appeare or present themselves as such in a peaceable
and friendly manner, to whom noe Act of hostility injury or
violence may be offered, but all civill kind treatemt and beha-
viour to be used towards them. But on the Contrary in case
of any other appeareance of Indians painted, armed, or other-
wise in a warlike posture, attempting, contriveing, or offering
any violence or injury to any the Inhitants on their persons or
Estates, or that shall upon discovery and Demand made
refuse to lay downe their Armes, come in, and give an Accot
of their nation, Quality, & business according to Articles made
with them, then they are to be looked upon, dealt with, and
treated to all Intents and purposes as the common Enemy
according to the purport and tenor of your Commission, which
is the true intent and meaneing thereof
This by ordr from his Ldspp and Councill is signifyed to you
To the honble Coll Wm Calvert p J Llewellin Cl Consil
Idem verbatim issued to The honble
p. 301