Came the wife of George Godfrey and humbly presented
to his Ldsp a petition from her husband supplicateing his Ldsp
mercy in mitigation of the sentence lately passed upon him to
be extended toward him by banishmt or otherwise as to his
Ldsp in his wonted Clemency should seeme meete. Wch his
Ldsp ordered to be thus Subscribed viz
Nov: 23th 1681 :
The Petitioner is committed into the safe close custody of
the Sheriff of St Maries County there to remaine in Irons
which (if he shall not from thence attempt his escape) shall be
his onely punishmt
The Sheriff of Charles County is required to make returne
of the Estate of George Godfrey wch he was ordered to seize
into his hands for his Ldsps vse, according to this following
precept viz.
By the Lord Propry and Councill
Maryld ss.
Whereas there hath lately issued a precept to you directed
for the seizeing and secureing into your hands for his Ldsps
vse the Estate of George Godfrey lately condemned to Dye
for mutinous and seditious speeches &ca against his Ldsp and
Governmt which precept (it is conceived) hath been long since
delivered you by John Hamilton your under Sheriff by whom
it was sent. You are hereby willed and Required to make
returne unto his Ldsp and Councill at the City of St Maries
with all expedition possible how and in what manner you have
executed the sd precept together with a true and perfect In-
ventory thereof to the end such care may be taken for the
payment of the guards of the said Godfrey defraying other
the charges of his Imprisonmt and further disposeall of the said
Estate to his Ldsp shall seeme meete. Whereof faile not.
Dated at St Maries the 23th Day of November in the sixth
yeare of the Dominion of the Rt honble Charles &ca Annoq
Domini 1681: Signed p ordr
To Coll William Chandler p John Llewellin
high sher. of Charles County Cl Consil.