Maryld ss:
Whereas we have been credibly and certainly informed and
advised of severall insolencies outrages and attempts, offered
unto and made upon the Inhabitants of this Province by the
Northern Indians plundering robbing and murdering the said
Inhabitants as by their frequent clamours and Complaints to
us hath been sett forth. Wee doe therefore hereby strictly
charge and Command you Coll Henry Jowles of Calvert
County immediately upon sight hereof to cause all the Inhab-
itants of your said County under your charge and Command
to stand and be upon their guard & posture of defence, and if
you shall discover or meete with any the said Indians in or
about any the ffrontire or other Plantations of your County,
you are to use your best care skill and endeavour according
to the utmost of your strength power and ability to fight, kill,
take, vanquish, overcome follow pursue and Destroy them,
and otherwise to deale with and treate them as the Common
Enemy, ffor all which this shall be your sufficient power.
Given under our hand and Seale at Armes the thirteenth Day
of January in the Seaventh yeare of our Dominion &ca
Annoq Dmi 1681 :
Idem mutatis mutandis to Coll Wm Stevens of Somersett
County Requiring him as Command" in chiefe under his Ldsp
of all the Militia of horse in Sommersett and Dorchester
Counties immediately upon sight thereof to cause all the
Inhabitants of the said Counties under his Charge & com-
mand to stand and be upon their guard & posture of Defence
&ca ut Supra.
Idem to Coll Vincent Lowe and Coll Philemon Lloyd of
Talbott County
Idem to Coll Wm Colebourne of Sommersett County
Idem to Coll Henry Coursey of Talbott County command-
ing him to cause all the Inhabitants of Ceecill and Kent
Counties under his charge and command to stand and be &ca
ut Supra.
By his Ldsps especiall command power is given to Captn
Ninion Beale of Calvert County to press man and horse at