of the Provinciall Court at St Johns by to morrow morning
Eight of the Clock whereof he is not to faile at his perill.
Dated the ffifteenth day of November in the Sixth yeare of
the Dominion of the Rt honble Charles &ca Annoq Domini
1681: Signed p ordr
p John Llewcllin Cl Consil
By the Lord Propry & Councill
Maryland ss:
Ordered that Capt Josias ffendall be remanded into the
custody of Mr William Gwyther, there to remaine a close
Prisoner from henceforth at his owne charges untill he shall
have fully satisfyed and paid unto the Rt honble the Lord
Propry the just summe of fourty thousand pounds of tobacco
which by the judgemt of the Justices of the Provinciall Court
hath been adjudged to be paid by the said ffendall as a fine to
his Ldsp and untill he shall be thence dismissed by speciall
command from his Ldsp in order to ffullfill the residue of the
sentence passed against him (viz:) perpetuall banishmt out of
this Province. And the said William Gwyther is hereby
strictly charged and commanded to take the said ffendall into
his care and charge and him in safe close custody keepe as
aforesaid, whereof he is not to faile as he will answer the con-
trary at his utmost perill. Dated at St Johns the 16th Day of
November in the sixth yeare of the Dominion of the Rt honble
Charles &ca Annoq Dmi. 1681:
Signed p ordr
p John Llewellin Cl Consil
At a Council held at St Maries the Seaventeenth Day of
November 1681:
The honble Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor
William Calvert Esqr Secry
The Vincent Lowe Esqr Sur. Genll honble Coll William Stevens Present
When appeared according to order James Peterkin &
Anthony Dawson and others Defts to the Complaint of the sd
Peterkin, and the petition of the said Peterkin being read,
The Opinion and judgemt of this board is that the same being
already commenced by suite at Common Law it lyes not
properly before the Councill to take cognizance thereof, and
both partyes are dismissed from any further heareing here.